Blog Funks and Other Equally Random Things

I’ve been in a blogging funk lately.  I haven’t made the time to sit down and plan something interesting out.  Horrible, isn’t it?  I’m trying hard to prioritize the best I know how, but there just are not enough hours in the day for this working mom!

Anyways, moving along!

As much as I hate to admit it, fall is around the corner.  I don’t want it to be, because I know the ugly step child that follows it.  Winter pretty much ruins fall for me.  I really want to like fall, with its apple orchard fun, flannel and pumpkin spice everything, but the cold weather and gray skies for 4 months in the winter—ugh, what a Debbie Downer, that winter.  Since I don’t see us moving this year before winter gets here, I’m just going to sit back, try to enjoy fall and knock back a few pumpkin spice lattes (now with REAL pumpkin haha)

And now to a super fun topic!  Snapchat (follow me at bbmary11) and New York Fashion Week, or as I like to call it #NYFW.  I’ve been obsessing over snapchat lately, mostly because I feel like I’m finally figuring out how to use it.  Coverage of New York Fashion Week has been crazy good on snapchat the past 7 days!  So many fellow bloggers, so many celebrities, so many models, so many gorgeous designs!  I’m A-D-D-I-C-T-E-D!  Seeing all kinds of coverage of so many designers, many of which I had never heard of, just makes me realize how small my little “fashion (if you want to call jeans and a shirt fashion) world” is.  Basically it made me want to step up my game.  I have all these questions now, such as “am I too short for knee height boots?” “how much can I layer without looking fat or pregnant?”  And, then….I did the unthinkable.  I logged onto Pinterest and typed in “fall fashion trends”. Game over.  I had never done this before because honestly Pinterest makes me feel like less of a mom because I just can’t do all the fun mom stuff everyone likes to showcase.  I am what you call, not creative.  However, I can go out and buy stuff like a boss, so these fall fashion tips…boom!  Show me the store!  I’ll get my wardrobe in line one of these days!

Now for the 3rd and final random topic:  I decided to jump on the 21 day fix wagon.  I’m not going to explain to everyone what the 21 day fix is, because you would have to be living under a rock not to know.  I thought “oh, this will make me think differently about food and cure all my portion control problems!”  The kit came, I meal prepped…which does take at least 3 hours by the way, and I put off using the containers and started the workouts.  I really like the workouts!  The first day I made a mistake by going balls out and doing lower fix.  My legs were shaking so bad that I was literally having problems walking in a straight line for 3 days!  Anyways, now that I’ve gotten the hang of the workouts, I’m doing much better!  I try to get in at least 3 a week, maybe 4.  Brock and I don’t have the schedule that most have of a morning, and we are gone so much in the evenings so I just try to fit it in when I can.  Which, I’ve found that as soon as I have the house to myself, or Mason is the only one with me, I’ll hurry and fix him lunch so I can start a workout.  It never fails, I’ll be 5 minutes into the workout and Brock and Brayden will come home and I have to hear whining about how my workout isn’t Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Ninja Turtles.  I’m glad they do know that Autumn Calabrese is not in fact a Ninja Turtle or talking Mouse.  😉

I’m just going to lay it out honestly for you….I haven’t followed the diet plan, because the containers are more intimidating than I thought.  I’m good with the meal prep, I’m more than good with eating clean food, but I think I’ve counted calories for so long that any other method of dieting or watching what I eat sends my brain into hyper drive.  I want to say I’ll get better at using the containers, because obviously that is what the whole program is based off of, BUT I know myself, and if there is a way to sabotage anything I do to lose weight, I’ll find it.  I don’t want to be that way, but it’s like my brain is telling me to be that way.  Story of my life.

So basically, I’ll give you guys an update on the progress next month right before I head to the BEACH!!!  If I end up not using the containers, hopefully I will at least have picked up recipe ideas from the others in my challenge group and find more ways to eat clean and healthy and lose a few pounds from following those recipes.

Now, for your viewing pleasure….here are a few pictures from last weekend!

b football

My newest initial necklace from Bip and Bop!  I love it!

My newest initial necklace from Bip and Bop! I love it!

This is a shameless selfie.  I was having a good hair day.  Those must be documented!

This is a shameless selfie. I was having a good hair day. Those must be documented!

linds and mary

My wonderful friend who is having twins! Doesn’t she look fab!

And finally…….

pumpkin spice pic

Happy weekend all!!!


  1. Always do a selfie on a good hair day!


  1. […] finally fall. Mixed feelings, as you know (refer HERE and HERE). Living in Indiana, you get to experience all four seasons. I’m more of a three […]

  2. […] finally fall. Mixed feelings, as you know (refer HERE and HERE). Living in Indiana, you get to experience all four seasons. I’m more of a three […]

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